How to Improve Quality and Speed of Your Writing Drastically?
This topic of this blog is focused on improving your ability to write a great essay and to improve the quality of your writing drastically. You can improve your essay writing skills by following some basic rules. So we discuss two things in this post:1. Quality of essay.
2. Speed of essay.
As we all know, practice makes perfect so if you write almost everyday, write anything, then writing comes easy and you will be able to write a 2 page essay in an hour. You will be able to see the improvement in your writing skills and in your writing speed. Also it is a.challenge to maintain a healthy balance between your speed and quality of writing. But if you want to improve your writing skills drastically, striking a balance between improving the quality and the speed of your writing would be crucial to your practice.

When you time your writing, make a note of your writing speed daily. Is it 5 words per minute or 20 words per minute? Time your writing by the hour and see whether you are improving and writing faster than your last time. Comparing your current writing speed with your last writing speed will help you to understand whether you are improving in your speed. Try to improve your speed, even by one extra word per minute and that would be a great leap. So note how many words you can write in one minute, and next time go one word higher. Would you be able to do this? Every time you write do this exercise and place a small target of going one word higher per minute, your speed should improve dramatically after just a few days of practice.
Now with your speed steadily improving, focus on quality. Quality is a very difficult and ambiguous term. Of course, it's possible to read an essay and assess whether the essay or write-up is quality writing, but quality could be very subjective. As a general rule, your essay must be free from grammatical, spelling and other errors, and sentence construction must be perfect. It is advisable to use one of the grammar-based software. Check for grammar, spelling and sentence construction and grammatical errors must be tackled immediately. Edit and re-edit and rewrite and reread your essays several times to drastically improve the quality of your essay. So to improve your seed, time your essay. To improve quality, edit, rewrite, reread and check for grammar and other stylistic details.
The quality of an academic essay is usually improved by writing very clear, precise and sharp sentences. For a science essay, be direct and present facts and figures. Science or scientific essays are usually improved substantially by adding a few facts, figures and tables. Supporting data and results are important for all scientific or empirical essays. In case of humanities and related non-scientific projects.figures and diagrams may not be essential but can be added and images can enhance the quality of the essay, if not the quality of the writing. As I wrote, determining the quality of an essay is a subjective process and what you may consider as good quality may not be considered as good quality by your supervisor. However, as a general rule, to improve quality, provide very clear, precise and sharp sentences and explain all your points thoroughly. Explanation of all the essay points is crucial to improving the quality of your essay. You must also ensure that your essay flows smoothly. Read the essay thoroughly to ensure that the ideas connect and there is a smooth flow of language and comprehension. Read your essay carefully to ensure that it makes sense and there is connection between one paragraph and the next.
Quality and speed are the two main factors but definitely not the only factors in writing a great essay. There are other factors such as content and referencing and a quality paper must have the right references and the relevant content and formatting. So again the meaning of quality would vary according to what your essay requires. A high quality essay can get you a zero if it did not follow instructions or did not use the requisite sources or relevant content.
A high quality may not be a high scoring essay if you miss the topic altogether. So remember, quality and speed are required, but it is most important to keep your essay relevant and contextual. Always go back and read instructions while writing an essay and read your instructions several times before, during and after writing your essay to ensure that you covered all points thoroughly and in detail.
Quality and speed are your trump cards when it comes to essay writing, and if you can master these two important aspects of essay writing, you will be able to become a successful essay writer. As a rule, your reading habits will improve the quality of your essay significantly, and your writing habits will improve your speed, The quality of your essay improves greatly when you take some time to look for resources and create a plan or outline before starting to write the actual essay. When an essay is thoroughly and carefully planned and all relevant sources are collected beforehand, you will not have to rush to submit your essay. A prepared is markedly better quality than a rushed essay.