What Are the Top Ten Ways You Can Impress Your Reader with a Thesis?
So you are writing a thesis and you are determined to impress your readers, supervisors and everyone who will grade your paper or comment on it. How do you impress someone with your thesis? Here are the top ten ways you can write a thesis so impressive, that your supervisors and readers will be dazzled.1. Choose a very unique research question - The research question can be a bit broad or specific but it must be something very interesting and anyone who reads it must go "wow, that's a great topic". So, the topic that you choose must capture the interest of your reader immediately. This is very important as when the reader is interested in your topic and reads the thesis with significant interest, you almost have win-like situation, as you have grabbed the attention of your reader. If the research question interests your reader, it can be said that it will also create interest in your supervisors and your assessors. The research question must be focused on a unique area of research and also highlight a problem that is unique.

3. Does your research add long term value? Your research area must add long-term value to the area of research you are focusing on. So, when you choose a question or topic, ask yourself whether your paper or thesis will add value or add new insights in the area of study you want to focus on.
4. Your methodology must be comprehensive. Your methodological approach must be focused on better and more comprehensive data and analysis. Once you have the data, you should be able to interpret the findings in a way that is most effective for your research approach and topic. The methodology must be chosen with care. If it is a primary data driven methodology, your field studies will be important. If on the other hand, it is secondary data driven or secondary research based and literature based methodology, you can make your paper impressive by doing extensive research and consulting a lot of sources. This takes us to the next point.
5. Use several sources or a range of literature review studies. Literature review studies are very important in all theses preparations and every thesis must have a detailed literature review or secondary research analysis that will help provide a comprehensive background of research studies. You can impress the reader and show how deep your knowledge is in the area of study or how wide ranging your resources are if you consider analyzing a wide range of sources, several resource books, papers and review sources.
6. Does your research paper provide new insights? The research paper in your area of study must provide new insights in the topic and must not be done simply to study a phenomenon, but to explain it in a different and new way. You can impress your reader by providing new and unique insights on the research problem and a new or fresh perspective on your research findings. Can you explain your research findings differently and in a fresh new way? Try it.
7. Have you presented your thesis in a new way? How you present your thesis to the reader is very important. Of course, it is necessary to follow citation styles and all that, but at the end of the day, you must come up with a thesis presentation that is unique or effective in some way. You enhance the value of a thesis by making the presentation a bit different, may by adding images, charts and quotations, etc. Or you can add questionnaires, surveys, quantitative or unique qualitative analysis and your analytical methods could be rather different and you get the attention of the reader because of the difference in the approach of the thesis.
8. Also, try to figure out - does your thesis stand out? Is your thesis different from what others have been writing or written? This is very important because a unique thesis will impress your reader and supervisor. If you somehow present your thesis differently or add data or methodology or sources that are significantly different, then you have an advantage, as this would mean that your thesis stands out. In order for a thesis to really stand out, it has to have unique ideas, unique topic, unique presentation and a definite direction that provides insights on the value of the topic or question discussed.
9. Write a perfect thesis. Your thesis should be perfect without grammatical or other errors and a perfect thesis goes a long way in impressing your readers. Check for grammatical or spelling errors and errors in concepts or content and also check for editing and proofreading errors should help you to write a perfect thesis. Once you have presented a perfect thesis, without errors and with considerably advanced content, you should be able to impress your readers.
10. Making an impact. Does your thesis make an impact? It is important to focus on the value of the thesis and how it can affect your research agenda. The thesis must make an impact on the reader, with the ideas, research direction and content. When a thesis is different or has research questions or methodology that are unique, or when a thesis tries to focus on unique concepts, that is when the thesis makes an impact on the reader.
Making a thesis impressive to your reader is an important step in research, and you must focus on the content, research direction, editing, methodology, final presentation of thesis, uniqueness of the thesis, and whether your thesis adds long term value to the research agenda.