How Would You Use Your Resources to Do Research in Management?
Coming up with research idea in any subject and conducting extensive research and writing a paper on the subject can be a challenging task. Some of the more popular subject areas that students enroll in are Business administration, Organizational Management and Business courses.There are many management students who struggle with their coursework and may not know how to handle their research and management objectives. Some students may not know how to conduct research or what topics they must choose to move forward with their research. So, choosing a topic, selecting the research question, identifying the correct research sources, are all challenges that the management students encounter, and students must adhere to certain academic schedules so that they can conduct research in the most efficient and time-effective manner. Students have to identify the correct research sources to adequately navigate their topics and subject areas. The research sources are usually identified in libraries, journal databases and the internet. The management student must focus on case studies and research papers as well as business reports before he can choose a research area. A thorough study or investigation of all aspects of business is essential before a management student decides to choose a research area and topic. Research area in management can relate to concepts or theories, business practice, organizational management, or simply management concepts, workplace behavior, human resource development or organizational strategies.
As a management student you must focus on the concepts you have already learned in your management coursework or program, and how you can integrate or analyze these concepts to come up with a unique research topic that would add new dimensions to your research area. If your research area is on general management, read up the topics that interest you, within the general area of management and select a few topics within this research area. These could for instance relate to organizational management or management strategies, diversity management or strategic management within the organization. Business students generally discuss or study companies or cases and analyze each case in a way that can directly relate theoretical concepts with practical problems and solutions at organizations.
What are the resources you must use as a management student and what are the possible research topics you can work on when you have certain resources? The resources you would use as a management student would be primarily based on case studies, examples of organizational management in companies, research or journal papers and articles on studies in management and books on management, as well as cases in business, including organizational changes that have been implemented within companies. Case studies, databases, newspaper reports, company reports, business case reviews, articles, white papers, product evaluation, strategy studies and similar sources are most appropriate for management studies. These sources are considered when the student determines the research topic. The research topic is usually directly related to business and organizational changes, management changes, strategies and business relations.
So, even if you have the broader area of research that is important for your research agenda, how would you move on to the specific topic of research and how would you choose the research title that would provide the justification for further research in your study area. The research title must be chosen carefully as you must focus on the variable that need to be studied. Coanider whether the variables directly relate to management practices or theory and how you would study these variables within the context of management or organizational change. You may have to refer to several case studies and not only use these published business case studies, but also study other organizations and businesses thoroughly to understand how businesses implement strategy and practice.
A case study is important in a business research paper so, when choosing a research topic, you must include a case study for most research papers. A typical business or management dissertation or thesis would require you to focus on management issues, concepts and practices and provide cases studies of businesses and organizations that are examples for their strategic management directions and implementation of management and organizational principles. Case studies of businesses and organizations are important in management research and as a researcher it is necessary that you focus on the different strategies and policies in management as practiced by the organizations or businesses you are studying for your research paper.
As a management student, you will encounter many challenges while doing your research. This could be related to data collection and how you actually integrate data with theoretical concepts. Management studies deal with people, businesses and organizations, so arranging meetings, interviews and/or online surveys with business executives will be an important aspect of data collection, if your research is based on primary data. For data collection, you have to take several permissions, go through ethical approval and finally your research proposal and data collection procedures may be approved. There are certain protocols you will have to follow when taking interviews or surveys of officials from business or administrative organizations. Apart from collection of data, the background review of case studies is equally important, so an extensive research on management concepts followed within businesses and organizations is necessary for a comprehensive paper on business and management research.
It is very important that as a management researcher you give primary importance to the theoretical concepts in management. Management theories and models are as important as data and concepts such as PESTLE, SWOT, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, 7Ps and these common management concepts are central to the analysis of a business case study or understanding organizational management. The theories and models are extensively used in business research, however the primary focus is on the case study which is often used to show how management concepts are applied in real life.
Remember some basic points while seeking resources or collecting data for your business research paper. You must use a range of sources, primarily from company resources or from online databases.; you must use a streamlined and effective data collection process, You must identify the business organization or company you want to work on, the concepts you want to study through your research, and also you may need to investigate employees or staff from the organization or from other organizations in other countries. For more information on how to write a business research paper, check out the writing tutorial on EssayScam.